Affair on the Square is a strolling sidewalk festival with vendors set up between the merchants and restaurants that will be open that evening. Restaurants will offer specials and merchants will have prize drawings. Bands will play on the square as well as in restaurants.
To be included in Affair on the Square, assigned a space and listed on the map, please respond to judywilsoncagle@bellsouth.net by May 10th. Send your name, business name if you use one, email, cell phone and a description of what you make and sell.
You will receive location map and details a couple of days before the event.
Set up for Affair on the Square begins at 4:00 that day. Be aware that Affair on the Square does not provide tents, tables or chairs. You will need to bring any items you need for your display.
This spring Affair on the Square does not have an entry fee for Exhibitors.
Thank you to KoolKakes for providing meeting space and sweets today.
A full house was in attendance for the February meeting of RDC. There was a lengthy conversation concerning membership levels, attracting event volunteers and other methods of promoting Downtown Rockingham.
Committees will continue working toward various goals in continued efforts of promoting downtown and awareness of RDC.
The next meeting will be March 20th – locastion TBA
Congratulations to Hudson Brothers Deli for being chosen for the Rockingham Downtown Corporation Featured Business of 2017.
Through all the changes that have come to downtown Rockingham over the years, Hudson Brothers Deli has remained a constant.
Now in its 37th year, the restaurant, bar, music venue and host of meetings for businesses and community organizations was recognized for that consistency by the Rockingham Downtown Corporation Tuesday, winning its 2017 Featured Business Award.
A great meeting today of the Rockingham Downtown Corporation! Please congratulate this folks when you see them.
New Officers:
President: John Hutchinson, Wells Fargo
Past President: Susan Kelly, Richmond County Extension
Vice President: Robin Roberts, Hudson Brothers
Secretary: Judy Cagle, Rockingham Paint and Glass and Rockingham Fitness
Treasurer: Vicki Mullis, H. Brightlinder Law Office
2017 RDC Featured Business
Hudson Brothers Deli
Other Nominees: Kool Kakes Bakery, Remax Realty, Sunbelt Distribution
Congrats to Hudson Brothers and all of the very worthy nominees!
Become a member of the RDC and plan to attend our monthly meetings. The next one is planned for Feb. 20th in the evening.
ROCKINGHAM – Every year, right around this time, it seems that people develop a strong craving for crisp, white, powdery snow. Although many times this craving goes unquenched, this past weekend, many North Carolina residents got exactly what they asked for.
Late last Wednesday afternoon, the sky parted and large flakes began to drift down. As darkness crept in, the snow continued to fall, and entirely transformed the landscape of Richmond County from the ordinary into an extraordinary winter wonderland.
It’s time once again to recognize a Downtown Business! The 2017 Featured Business Nomination can be completed here:
Deadline is 1/8/18.
Previous Winners:
2014: Dairy Queen
2015: Rockingham Hardware
2016: Helm’s Jewelers
2017: ????
Please join us this year for our 2 nd Annual Veterans Day Parade to honor all of our Veterans and Service Men and Women . If you would like to enter a float please do so by contacting Robin Roberts at vfwparade17@gmail.com
There is no fee to enter.
We just want to honor all of our Veterans and Servicemen and Women .🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Opening ceremonies at 3 pm
Parade to start immediately after